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IconXprit for Mac 3.7 破解版下载 – 优秀的文件夹图标自定义工具 2017年01月04日 ⁄ 系统美化 ⁄ 共 305字 ⁄ 字号 小 中 大 ⁄ 阅读 918 次 iconXprit 是一款Mac上优秀的文件夹图标自定义工具,可以方便的在菜单栏调用出界面,快速的指定各个目录的图标,支持自定义,很. Iconxprit 3.7 Free Download For Mac. Friday 15 May 96. InVisible is a free menu bar application that lets you easily take control of your Mac OS X hidden files. IconXprit - サービスメニューからアイコンを変更. IconXprit is basically a background icon tool to provide a Finder service. It makes it easy to attach custom icons to desktop items such as folder. Three sorts of add-ons - image, color and text - can be added as layers and removed separately. IconXprit 3.7.0 Cracked Serial For Mac OS X Free Download. In: Mac Apps Cracked. IconXprit is basically a background icon tool to provide a Finder service. It makes it easy to attach custom icons to desktop items such as folder. Three sorts of add-ons – image, color and text – can be added as layers and removed separately.

  • 539 次查看 14 次下载
  • 分类:工具
  • 标签:iconxprits iconxprit icons icon finders finder attach customs custom icons icon desktops desktop items item folders folder ons on texts text layers layer separately features feature defines define freely vias vium texts
  • 时间:2016年12月05日 更新 文件大小: 12.2 MB
  • 开发商:Trollin 官网首页
  • 支持类型: Mac OS X 10.11 or later
  • 支持语言:未知

来自Mac App Store官方介绍

iconXprit is basically a background icon tool to provide a Finder service. It makes it easy to attach custom icons to desktop items such as folder. Three sorts of add-ons - image, color and text - can be added as layers and removed separately.

Main features
  • Define group colors or use any color freely.
  • Strings added via the text panel are editable and searchable.
  • The editor panel contains various tools to modify combined images: resize, relocate, transform, apply several effects, add text and clip.
  • Edit-settings can be saved as templates accessible from the service menu.
  • Collect favorites.
  • Keep items whose icons are frequently modified.
  • iconXprit menu items are selectable and their order is customizable.



Version 3.7:

Note: Now requires OS X 10.11 or later

  • The iconXprit service menu is now displayed in a panel, which resolves the issue of menu instability on macOS 10.12
  • Text editing in the editor uses a separate panel on macOS 10.12


相关截图 图片数: 1 张(点击图片查看大图)

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下载列表 文件数: 1文件大小: 12.2 MB举报

iconXprit for Mac (链接无效或不能下载请点击反馈给我们)
1.trollin.loos.li官方原版v3.7142016-12-05网友共享Mac 版点击下载



Name: iconXprit
Version: 3.7.0


Mac Platform: Intel, 64-bit processor
OS x : 10.11 or later

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Background custom icon service program for OS X Finder

iconXprit is basically a background icon tool to provide a Finder service. It makes it easy to attach custom icons to desktop items such as folder. Three sorts of add-ons – image, color and text – can be added as layers and removed separately.

Main features:
• Define group colors or use any color freely.
• Strings added via the text panel are editable and searchable.
• The editor panel contains various tools to modify combined images: resize, relocate, transform, apply several effects, add text and clip.
• Edit-settings can be saved as templates accessible from the service menu.
• Collect favorites.
• Keep items whose icons are frequently modified.
• iconXprit menu items are selectable and their order is customizable.

Version 3.7.0:

• The iconXprit service menu is now displayed in a panel, which resolves the issue of menu instability on macOS 10.12

Iconxprit 3 7/8

• Text editing in the editor uses a separate panel on macOS 10.12

Version 3.6.1

• Internal adjustments for the latest OS X and removal of the links to the closed Kagi orderseite.

• Known Issue : On OS X v.10.12 (beta 16A313a) the iconXprit menu disappears immediately after it shows up on selecting “iconXprit” on the Finder’s services menu, though it can mostly stay open for the second trial.

• Generally speaking, it tends to be harder and harder to update iconXprit for the later OS X versions. So please consider using newer apps: ColoFolXS for coloring folders and iconStiX for making & attaching custom icons. Thank you.

Hardwaregrowler 1 3 2 – notification for hardware status changes. Version 3.6

• Internal adjustments for compatibility and stability.


• A slider “opacity” is added to the Preferences / Colors to adjust opacity of attaching colors in whole.

• A menu item “Relaunch Finder” is added to the iconXprit status item menu.

• Selecting this works mostly to update custom icons of aliases / symlinks on OS X 10.9 & 11.

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